This month is again another Rangemaster Drill of the month, first featured by Justin Dyal, who LOVES low round count drills.
We call this Double and Add 1
the first round is shot at 2.5 yards in 2 seconds, the second is 5 yards in 3 seconds with the exception of the 3rd stage, you just repeat at 10 yards.
Use a B8-C, an FBI-IP1, or the bullseye on an LTT-1 target. Try to keep everything inside the 10 ring under the time limits. All strings begin at The Ready, muzzle below the target, finger in register.
Stage 1- 2.5 yards: two rounds in one second
Stage 2 – 5 yards: two rounds in two seconds
Stage 3 – 10 yards: two rounds in three seconds; repeat for total of four rounds at 10 yards
Stage 4 – 20 yards: two rounds in four seconds
10 rounds total 100 points possible
This is my most recent run of this test, hitting a 96 out of 100….It should have been a 99 or better but I got impatient with the shot at 5 yards….you know, that one persona that we all have that tells us how freaking good we are! well, don’t listen to that guy, let your sights dictate your shot!
Have at it