When it comes to pistol-mounted optics (PMO), also known as micro red dot sights (MRDS), there’s no shortage of opinions. Some shooters say, “No way, José!” while others exclaim, “Heck yeah, I love technology!” As for me? I’m somewhere in the middle.
I firmly believe every shooter should 100% learn how to use iron sights. It’s a foundational skill that builds your shooting fundamentals. But I also think that learning to shoot with an optic can be a net positive. Let me explain.
What Are Sights, Anyway?
Your sighting system—whether irons or an optic—is simply a visible representation of where your muzzle is directed. It’s that straightforward. Both irons and PMOs achieve this, but the difference lies in the presentation.
From what I’ve observed, optics are less forgiving when your presentation isn’t perfect. With iron sights, you have multiple reference points during your presentation, allowing you to make countless “micro-adjustments” as you transition from holster to being aimed. In contrast, an optic gives you a single reference point: the dot.
Sure, there are technically more points to consider with an optic, but for new shooters, focusing solely on aligning the dot with the target avoids overload. However, this single reference point can make the optic less forgiving. Beginners often struggle to “find the dot” due to inconsistencies in their grip or presentation.
How Optics Can Make You Better
Here’s the interesting part: learning to shoot with a PMO can actually make you a better shooter overall. Why? Because using an optic forces you to refine your grip and presentation. The feedback loop provided by the dot is unforgiving—it highlights inconsistencies in your foundation, forcing you to improve.
When you build a strong, consistent grip and presentation with an optic, those improvements carry over when you return to iron sights. Your enhanced foundation allows for a smoother transition and greater precision, no matter which sighting system you use.
The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what sighting system you use. What matters is the strength of your foundation. If you switch from irons to an optic, don’t be surprised if frustrations arise. They will expose weaknesses in your technique—but that’s a good thing! Correct your foundation, and your shooting skills will improve across the board.
Remember: the stronger your foundation, the stronger your structure. Whether you’re an iron sight enthusiast or a tech-loving optic fan, mastering the basics will always set you up for success.